Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 46: Faithfulness, Partnerships, and Wisdom

Hebrews 13; Exodus 18-19; Proverbs 8

I love the beginning of Hebrews 13:  be concerned about each other, that is what followers of Christ should do, love and care.  Then it explains one way to do that:  welcome people into our home.  Make room, share, provide, host.  I'm thankful for a house that can serve as such a place. We are downsizing and moving (in one week) to this new house, but that doesn't change the fact that we can continue to have a safe place for people to come and be blessed.

This chapter of Hebrews is about “service that pleases God.” Tucked in there is a verse about being faithful in marriage.  There is not much that scares me more than losing Austin.  He is a wonderful man and so faithful to me.  I pray that we both guard against temptation, physical, mental, and emotional.  He is my one and only love and we must remain faithful for all the days of our lives. What is also interesting is that it talks about being “faithful in marriage,” but it is followed by a verse about money.  Part of being faithful is not straying sexually, but also not pursuing something other than our spouse, including money.  Lots of things gain our attraction and love—money, power, work, service—but it is important to be faithful in all things and put our spouse above other worldly things.  They are a human being, and one that chose us and we chose them.  They matter immensely.
My prayer for myself, Austin, and believers everywhere:  that God will make us ready to obey you and that we are always eager to do right (vs 21).  This faithfulness does not stop at marriage though. We need to pursue and worship God, being faithful to him. It is so easy to get caught up in pursuing relationships, money, careers, success, and fame, instead of pursuing the God that holds our lives and eternity in his hands. Even more than pursuing a spouse in marriage and being faithful, we are to pursue GOD and be faithful to him.

These verses also make me think about partnerships. Trying to make a difference and do things by myself is not wise or healthy.  A team of like-minded people is more effective than one person carrying the burden alone.  Partnerships such as Soulfire and  Stand Against Trafficking can be such a blessing to others, and as a group, we can be that much more effective.

Wisdom stands at the crossroads, on the hilltops, and at the gate of the city.  These places are symbolic and significant.  The crossroads represent choices.  In life there are opportunities to choose a path of and to goodness and a path to death and destruction.  Wisdom stands at the crossroads and calls out the way to go.  We do not stand there alone.  Our conscience, the Holy Spirit, is there telling us which way to go, we just have to listen carefully.  Choosing life and right and goodness is no secret.  The hilltops represent turning points.  We are either heading towards blessings and goodness and need to follow wisdom to get there, or they are just before a descent into troubled times, and we need wisdom to walk in that shadow.  Wisdom is there, guiding us up, and when in the valley, wisdom is there so that when we begin the descent, we are prepared.  What a beautiful thought.  And then at the city gates, the places where there are people, choices, interactions, wisdom is there, reminding us to make good decisions.  This is just another example of how God's love never gives up or never runs out.  Wisdom has been around since before time.  The truths from the Lord, are not new, but timeless and tested.  It says “I was pleased with his world and pleased with its people.”  The way God made things is the right and wise way—God did not mess up, did not make mistakes. He knows how things are supposed to work and so he created them that way. It is humans that have perverted the truth. When we dive into scripture, that is when we can see the truth, learn wisdom, and make the right choices.

How crazy that we sometimes forget—God is so holy, so awesome, that to step foot on the mountain where he was would mean death.  Sometimes I need help remembering just how great and powerful and holy God is. The Lord is not just some being out there—he is real and divine and mighty. Familiarity can be dangerous and cause a lack of respect. When we forget how awesome and holy God is, we make God less and ourselves more.

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