Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 42: Keep Moving, Don't Loiter

Hebrews 10:19-39; Exodus 11-12; Proverbs 4

Why is Moses so angry?  He is wielding the power of the Almighty, and yet he is angry.  I believe it is because he values life, not death for his rival.  Perhaps he is frustrated that the king will not change his ways and instead, God is having to cause death to get his attention.  Sometimes I get so frustrated with people (and myself) for how their (or my) selfishness is destroying others. We need to wake up and realize that all of our actions affect others.

The Passover instructions are so weird and yet so cool.  God cared about people who didn’t have big enough families and instructed the people to help one another—to be a part of a community.  The lamb or goat must be young and perfect, representing Jesus.  Each family member must care for it and eat part of it—representing the nurturing of faith in Christ and accepting His sacrifice and death.  Blood spread on the doorpost represents the outward signs that make people believers; everyone should be able to look and see the Truth in our lives.  And then when the meal is over, burn the rest, don’t save it for another day, because Christ died once and that covers all people forever.  Then being dressed ready to go was a sign of faith in God’s promise that they were about to leave for the promised land.  Such cool symbolism, and all of it came true.

In this proverb, it is interesting that sin means stopping, entertaining evil things instead of moving forward and pressing on.  There needs to be clear direction in our lives, forward motion, growth.  Without it, we will be prone to fall into sin.  May God help us to keep moving forward, to not turn to the side or loiter where sin resides.

I pray that God helps us to have faith, be brave, and believe in something better than what this corrupted and temporary world has to offer.  I hope that we can keep from being materialistic or fearful because of our present insecurities, difficulties and life situations.  

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