Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 121: Felix Likes the Idea but not Commitment

Acts 24:10-27; Judges 21; Psalm 46

Why does Felix become frightened when Paul talks about doing right, self-control, and the judgment?  Have you ever met someone who says they are a Christian, but as soon as you start talking about tithing, sacrificing, volunteering, they shut down and don't want anything to do with it?  I think Felix was a man who liked the idea of Jesus, he just didn't like the sacrifice and discipline that Christ expects from us. He wasn't willing to give it all; instead, he just wanted it to be all about himself.  There is a lot about a relationship with God that is about us:  The Lord wants to give us grace, peace, and forgiveness.  But, in order to receive those things fully, we have to sacrifice our will, our desires, our grudges, and our pride.  That's not easy, and that is what Felix was frightened about--that he would have to give something up to follow The Lord.  But here's the reality, giving up those things to God, yes it may be hard at first, but what God gives to replace those things is beautiful.  He gives us joy, wisdom, compassion, and his Holy Spirit.  Those things and more, without question, outweigh anything we could have to sacrifice to follow Jesus.  What do we still need to give up in order to follow The Lord completely?

The Israelites had just defeated a whole tribe with the help of God.  He had provided for them in so many ways.  And then they begin to worry that the tribe will be wiped out because there are no women for them to have as wives.  Do they really think that God would let a tribe of his people die out if he promised that they wouldn't?  Is God limited by such things?  These men lacked faith in God to provide and fulfill his promise.  God will come through.  If there is something that seems like it will be a hindrance, a problem, we need to have faith that God can overcome it.

God is a mighty fortress, ready to help in our times of trouble.  We need not be afraid of our future.  If you have a relationship with The Lord, then you can know that God wants to give you good things, he wants to bless you abundantly, you just have to make sure you aren't standing in the way.  And if you don't have a relationship with The Lord, I challenge you to consider it.  God is so good, but he cannot pour out wonderful things until you allow him.  May God's great protection surround all of us as we live and serve him.

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