Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 62: Stop Talking, Start Listening

Matthew 18:1-17; Numbers 5-6; Ecclesiastes 5

Humility, trust, faith—believing like a child, that is how to get into the kingdom of heaven.  God does not like sin, selfishness, and cruelty.  The world is in for trouble because of all the ways it causes people to sin.  The over-sexualized culture, the rewards for hate, the perks of cheating with money, all these things are temptations and easy to fall into.  I pray that believers would be holy and set apart, so that that we do not fall into sin.

It is best to listen in worship, not to talk.  So often I lift words in my heart to God: I want to say things, make promises, and instead, during worship, I need to quiet my spirit so that I can listen to his life-giving voice.  If I talk too much I might say the wrong things, make promises I can’t keep, or allow obsessions to build up.  But if I quiet my spirit, then God can pour out his love and message to me. What if our worship was more listening than talking?  What would be gain?

It is interesting that money does nothing for a person but leave them sleepless and give them friends that don’t care about them.  It is better to have less money.  Scripture talks a lot about how money is really quite a trap. It doesn't have to be and there are a lot of very wealthy people who honor The Lord with it, as well as a lot of very poor people who are able to serve The Lord with the little that they have. We need to use money for God's glory, rather than allowing money to use us for its own glory.

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