Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 60: Better Perspective

Matthew 16; Numbers 1-2; Ecclesiastes 3:1-15

How can people forget about God's miracles?  And yet, I do.  I forget all the ways he has come through for me in the past and sometimes lack trust in what he is going to do in the future.  I’m sure it is frustrating, dealing with forgetful humans.

My faith in Jesus needs to be about what I know to be true, not about what other people say.  Jesus built his church on the rock—I suppose “the rock” could actually be Peter, or it could be what Peter said about Jesus being the Messiah. The church is built on the faith that Peter had. He was definitely a major leader in starting the church and without his faith the church at that early time may have looked a lot different; it might have changed the look of it even today.

There are seasons, times, in life—some of them are enjoyable and some of them are not.  When going through these different times, God puts questions in our hearts about why am we here, or when it will end, or what got us here. I can try my hardest to figure it out, but Solomon states that we cannot understand these things.  All we can do is try to enjoy the life and the moment we have been given.  That is hard in the midst of difficulties or during the mundane moments of life.  But I want to enjoy life!  Even the moments that seem pointless, boring, difficult; may we have a better perspective so that we can recognize needs and work to fill them with the gifts God has given us.  In that way we will be serving our purpose, furthering the Lord's kingdom, and enjoying each moment in life.

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