Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 57: Lady of The Lord

Matthew 14:22-36; Leviticus 22-23; Proverbs 31

The wind and the waves will come, and if I am brave enough to have faith, I need to realize that that means I have to face them head-on.  If we don’t have faith that we can make it through, that Jesus really loves us, we will be swallowed up, we will sink.

Proverbs 31 has long been one of my favorites.  A wife is the most precious gift a man can find.  A truly good wife never lets her husband down, and gladly serves him with her own hands.  Here it says she makes clothes, but for me, it would be dinner.  Sometimes I get tired of cooking for Austin, but this as an opportunity to serve him.  Do I need to go “across the sea” to get food?  Not literally, sometimes cooking feels like that, but perhaps I need to try a little harder to get healthy, local, organic food.  We need to be willing to work hard for things, not just wimp out because I’m tired.  The woman in this chapter is very domestic; she takes on a lot of the jobs that today’s society takes for granted.  I want to be able to serve in this way.  Help me to persevere in finding, growing, and cooking good food, as well as producing things for my family.  If I can be a wife (and someday a mom) that is able to put food on the table from our own garden, sew or crochet things for my children to wear, then I will feel like I'm doing my God-given job. For some women this sounds like torture, and that's ok. Each of us is different, with different gifts, desires, and dreams. My dream is to be a godly wife, mother, teacher, and friend.

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