Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Day 302: God's Patience

James 3; Jeremiah 25-26; Psalm 131

"But if you are able to control your tongue, you are mature and able to control your whole body." The implications of what this passage says are incredible. Our words can be the most life-giving thing we have, and they can also be the most deadly. Watching what we say is harder to do than taming all sorts of animals, than steering a giant ship, than saving a forest from a fire. It's serious business what we say. I may not use curse words, but I know that I am guilty of gossip, belittling, and selfishness with my words. I think sometimes we forget just how powerful what we say can be. People have destroyed themselves, their lives, and others' lives because of what someone has said. People have crossed oceans, gone into space, and conquered nations because of something someone said. I pray we become more aware of what we are saying and how we are saying it, so that our words build up and not tear down, heal and not harm, give life instead of death.

God has some serious patience. He had warned the people over and over and over again, sent them prophet after prophet and they weren't changing their ways. And even in all of that, he still tells them that there is a way out, despite their complete disregard for him and his messangers. Why would God give them so many chances? I suppose, it's for the same reason he gives us so many chances--he loves us.

This psalm has an interesting line: "But I have learned to feel safe and satisfied." What this line is referring to is that he doesn't seek selfish gain or desire impossible circumstances. People have always wanted more and better. So many aren't happy with their lot in life, and while it is ok to want something better, people spend their time chasing things that either aren't important or aren't possible. For instance, I'm never going to have flawless skin, so to spend hundreds of dollars on products or procedures is pointless (not really something I care that much about anyway). Instead, I should be thankful that I have a body that carries me around where I need to go. With our focus on God, and not on ourselves, I think it is possible to learn to be safe and satisfied with what God has given us and not be searching for more stuff that won't last.

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