Saturday, December 21, 2013

Day 300: True Religion

James 1; Jeremiah 21-22; Psalm 129

A lot of what James talks about in this first chapter is facing trials and experiencing the testing of our faith. He says that this testing helps us to learn to endure, it develops maturity, it earns us a crown of glory. God may test our faith but it is important, according to James, that we understand the difference between that and being tempted. Temptations come from our own human nature, testing is meant for good and comes from God.

The other thing that really stands out to me in this chapter is how we should pray. I was always taught to pray what was on my heart and finish with, "your will be done." Jesus said it. Here James says that we are to pray without doubt. I sometimes wonder if the phrase "your will be done," gives room for God to not answer or at least not answer according to what I want. But is that a cop out? It is interesting to hear people pray, some pray the way I was raised, and others pray with conviction that God WILL heal or do or provide whatever they are asking. Which is right? I'm not even going to pretend I know. I think if we pray in truth and with honest hearts, God will hear us.

And finally, because this verse truly opened my eyes a long time ago about what I was supposed to be doing: "Religion that pleases God the Father must be pure and spotless. You must help needy orphans and widows and not let this world make you evil." Religion isn't really about rituals, rules, personal gain. It's actually about God and others.

One of the reasons God is mad in Jeremiah is that the people are unjust. They don't care about the poor, the needy, those treated unfairly. Several times in these two chapters, God commands that justice be done, and to rescue those who suffer. He even talks about king Josiah, who did this and God says "That's what it means to truly know me." Wow, to fight for justice and rescue those suffering from injustice, that's what it means to know God. That's a pretty powerful statement. When we serve others, thinking of their needs above our own, we experience who God is, he cares about his children with an incredible love, greater than we can understand.

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