Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day 132: Peace with Faith and in Life

Romans 3:9-31; 1 Samuel 12; Psalm 57

There is nothing you or I can do to become right with God, outside of having faith in Jesus.  You can't serve in a church enough, give enough money to the poor, help your neighbor, or read your bible enough to make it to heaven and be right with God, unless you put your faith in God.  While the rest of the world's religions are busy and anxious trying to earn the favor of their god, Christ followers (not just "Christians," because some "Christian" sects believe in works more than faith), real disciples of Jesus Christ, understand that we are worthless and separated without believing in who Jesus is and what he did for us.  This is such good news, because it means that when I mess up, I don't automatically have to take a step back from God, or he doesn't give up on me.  I have hope and peace knowing that I am rescued eternally from The Lord.

This passage of 1 Samuel reveals how before Jesus, the people were afraid of God and could not connect with him personally.  The people say, after Samuel has called down a thunderstorm, "Please, pray to The Lord YOUR God for us!"  It isn't "our" God, but "your" God.  They know, or at least they feel, like God is separate, distant, not a personal God, because they are afraid they will die if they see to much or get too close. Thank The Lord for Jesus who bridges that gap and allows us to pray with peace to The Lord!

This psalm has a wonderful pattern to it:  David is crying out for protection from his dangerous enemies, but does he spend the whole time complaining?  No.  During his struggles, in the midst of these thoughts, at the very moment he needs protection, he also lifts up praises to God.  He isn't just concerned about his own physical well-being, but also about worshipping God even during struggles.  We need to do the same; God deserves our praise no matter what trial we are facing.  I hope and pray that we can remember to give God glory even in our darkest days; just because life isn't perfect, doesn't mean God isn't perfect, or he has changed, or doesn't love us.  God is the same every day, for all eternity and his love never fails.  So, worship The Lord at all times, whether in times of prosperity or battle.

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