Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 129: "Like Other Nations"

Romans 1:1-15; 1 Samuel 8; Psalm 54

Paul summarizes his life in these verses in Romans:  He never stops praying while he serves God with all his heart and tells the news about Jesus Christ.  That's pretty much it!  That is how the Christian church became what it is today.  He didn't have to start a mega church, be a world renowned speaker, have lots of money, or even be popular on both sides of the aisle.  He simply spoke with God on a daily basis, served those aroud him, and told people about Jesus.  Humans like to complicate things.  Living our life for Christ is actually pretty simple, it just isn't always easy.

I suppose Samuel's sons not being obedient had nothing to do with how Samuel raised them.  Perhaps he did set a very good example, and they simply chose not to follow.  I know that if a parent raises a child in the ways of The Lord, they still have to let them go and allow them to choose.  The same is true for God, he lets us choose our path, knowing that we may be disobedient.

The people of Israel wanted a king "like the other nations." They wanted to adopt the practices of those around them, rather than being set apart and ruled by God.  However, God warned them that they wouldn't like their ruler (sounds like much of America every time a political leader is elected).  This leader, he told them, would force them to join the army (the draft), farm or make weapons for the king (government jobs), the daughters have to make perfume and cook (women have to work to support their families), and he will take their best fields/vineyards/orchards/grain/grapes/slaves/young men/donkeys/sheep/goats (taxes).  All in all, God said that they wouldn't like how the king would make things.  Hm, sounds familiar.  The Israelites decided (democratically) that they wanted a king instead of being ruled by God.  We Americans "choose" our leaders, but we end up not liking them; sometimes we end up not liking them before they are even elected, but elect them anyway!  No, I'm not saying that we need to get rid of the democracy, just that since we have this government that rules our land, we need to take back Christ in order to rule our hearts.

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