Monday, November 25, 2013

Day 277: The City

Revelation 21-22; Isaiah 9-10; Psalm 111

These last two chapters of Revelation have some powerful images and promises. John sees a new heaven and new earth. This place has no more suffering or death, everything is brand new, there is no darkness, no more night, people's thirst is quenched, and the kingdom is made of the most precious stones. As I read about the dimensions and construction of the city, I wonder if it is metaphorical or literal: that the 12 foundation stones are the 12 tribes, as in they set the foundation for the spiritual practices that we follow in spirit today. Whether it is literal or metaphorical, God makes it clear that there will be abundant life for those who are allowed in the city. I think my favorite scripture from these chapters is this: "If you are thirsty, come! If you want life-giving water, come and take it. It's free!" I think there is a hunger, thirst, desire, within all of us. Christ is the only thing that can satisfy and fulfill that emptiness. And what does it cost? Nothing. We just have to reach out and take it. God is so generous and so gracious!

Isaiah captures the back and forth faithfulness of God's people and God's back and forth rescuing and punishing of them. If there's one thing I know for sure about humans, both from scripture and observation, they are fickle. They love one thing, then another, hate one thing, then another. But what is SO incredible, is that in the span of two chapters, God gives light to his people, rescuing them and completely devastating their enemies as well as punishes the people for their unfaithfulness. We should have hope because of this. As often as the people in the Old Testament messed up and turned their back on God, He came through and rescued them.

Psalm 111 continues this message of how awesome God is. He doesn't break his agreements, he is merciful, he is right, rules with justice, and he rescues his people. So how should we respond? The last verse tells us: "Respect and obey The Lord."

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