Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 176: Love Without Limit

Mark 16; 1 Kings 12:1-31; Hosea 14

Jesus appears to people 4 times before the disciples believe. He appears to some women first, then Mary again, then two other disciples, and finally to all 11. I get their doubt--it isn't everyday that people are raised to life. But this wasn't just any person, this was Jesus, the Son of God. He tells them that people who believe in him will be able to do wonderful things: force out demons, speak new languages, handle snakes and poison and not get hurt, and heal people. I know that I can't do all those things (and I've never tried the snake or poison thing. Call me a wimp), but the point is, Jesus Christ equips his followers to do amazing things. Once we believe Jesus is who he says he is, and he did what scripture says he did, and that he is still with us today, we aren't just our plain ol' selves--we have the power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit within us. If we really believe that, then we can do amazing things; but if we discount ourselves and just sit around and mope about how terrible we are, God can't use us like he intended. The disciples, after they heard this message from Jesus, "left and preached everywhere" and they did do miracles. The disciples were empowered and emboldened by the message of Jesus and they went and did amazing things. I believe that God wants that same response from us, today.

Rehoboam did what so many people do: he asked for advice but refused it from the elders (who know from experience) and instead goes to his buddies who give him the answer he wants to hear. All of us need to start listening to those older than us, not because they are better or know everything, but simply because they have a greater perspective due to their longer lives on earth. Each young generation thinks that the older generations are outdated and old fashioned. But, they have wisdom and knowledge that the younger generation has not gained yet. Because Rehoboam did not listen to the elders, he ruined his chance to be king of Israel. He wanted to be tough, protect his image, and it destroyed what his father and grandfather had helped to build with God.

Then, because Rehoboam lost Israel, Jeroboam took over and created gold calves for the people to worship. They started worshiping other gods and he lead everyone astray. All of our actions have consequences, and reading the chronology of the Old Testament and the families, helps to show that. Even insignificant, spur of the moment decisions have serious (and lasting) effects. That is why taking the advice of our elders will help us to make right and wise decisions.

Whoa! God says in Hosea: "Israel, you have REJECTED me, but my anger is GONE; I will HEAL you and LOVE you WITHOUT LIMIT." Wow! Talk about unconditional love. Imagine someone saying that to their unfaithful spouse today: Honey, you were completely unfaithful, but I'm not mad anymore. I want to restore this relationship and love you no matter what." People in our world would call that person stupid. But that is the kind of love that God has for his people: completely unselfish, unwarranted, unmerited, and unconditional love.

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