Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 160: Jesus and the Heart

Mark 7:14-37; 2 Samuel 18; Daniel 11:21-45

Jesus is so focused on the heart. Yes, we are going to make mistakes; yes, we can have traditions; but what really determines who I live my life for is my heart. And that is what Jesus was focused on for his whole ministry, however, he did heal the body of many people. He healed even those that would not have been considered worthwhile humans like women and Greeks. What I have always found interesting is that he heals them with no strings attached. He doesn't offer them a condition, say they have to repeat the sinner's prayer, tell them to clean up their life first--he just heals them and often they just go on their merry way.

The other thing that always strikes me is how he constantly told people not to say anything about the miracle he had done. Why not!? To me, I would want everyone to know! More people will come to see Jesus. But, that kind of "show" goes against what Jesus stands for: close, intimate community. Jesus bore the wrath of God so that we are no longer separated from The Lord. We can grow closer, more intimate with our Lord through reading scripture and praying. It isn't some great big show that will draw our hearts to deeper communion with God, but little moments here and there of pouring our hearts out to him and soaking up his Holy Spirit.

David's perspective on enemies was different from everyone else's. David didn't want to destroy his enemies, but simply put them in their place. He wept for Saul's death, and he wept for his mutinous son. Those that hurt us should cause us pain--pain that they have chosen a life of destruction. Each human is valuable, God gave them their life, their soul; they were created to be a child of God. So, when they destroy that by being evil or wicked, it should make us sad, just as David was sad about the deaths of those who were trying to kill him.

In Daniel, there is warning that followers of God and Christianity will be attacked. No only will the churches and practices be destoryed, but believers will suffer. God's anger at his followers for not being faithful will burn for a time, but after many have shown themselves loyal, God will be appeased and will give them a place of honor in heaven. The point of all of this is that in the end times, Christians are going to face extreme persecution, not just in countries like China, where it is already happening, but everywhere. That is why we need to be prepared to live and die for Christ. Is he worth it to you and me?

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