Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 89: Disobedient Kiddos

Acts 4:23-37; Deuteronomy 21-22; Job 14

The disciples were a powerful and obedient group of followers.  They trusted in the Lord completely to do miracles and simply provide everyday needs.  I always thought that these incredible healing powers, the unity of believers, the generosity of this group was gone.  That is, until my brother came along.  The faith that Bryan, his coworkers, and his friends have is incredible; they have witnessed miracles of healing; they hear God's voice and obey; they give what they have to each other.  That is who the church is, and that is what God wants from all his people.  Mega-churches may be ok, but if there is no community, no giving, no faith in God’s miracles, then they are not like the church is supposed to be.

God has no tolerance for disobedience, including against parents.  Stone a rebellious son to death?  That seems really harsh!  I think a lot of these laws are not so much about the physical acts, but the condition of the heart.  If the son is rebellious, wasting his life away, disrespecting his parents, then he is not obeying the Lord.  Such an attitude and life choices could influence others and destroy a generation.  So today, instead of stoning to death, parents ought to get help—teachers, counselors— to turn their rebellious children around.

In chapter 22 there are these little commands about lost cows, stumbling ox, not taking a mother bird, weaving clothing—they seem so insignificant.  I think some of the lessons to be learned here are not that hard to understand. The first is, care for people’s stuff.  Even if it isn’t yours, we should treat it with respect.  If a person has a project, a job, a goal, and they are struggling with it, help them.  Sometimes people need assistance to get things back on their feet (metaphorically now, literally then).  The bird one:  care for God’s creation and don’t be greedy.  The thread thing, probably has to do with creating good quality stuff—not trying to hide the bad in with the good.  I’m not sure on that, but that is my guess.  These two sources provide additional thoughts: and .

Something to learn from Job:  life on earth is short.  I am only on this planet for a short time, and most of it is spent working, struggling, fighting, withering, dying.  There is no reason to get attached to this life.  Does life sometimes stink?  Yes, of course!  Because this life is only temporary.  True life begins with the Lord in heaven!

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