Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 189: Women and Our Hair

1 Corinthians 11:1-16; 2 Kings 4; Amos 9

Paul says "You must follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." Each of us, if we claim to follow Jesus, are being an example. Non-believers and believers look to us, whether we like it or not, to see who we are and how we act. Many of us are in major leadership roles, and while others may not be leading or pastoring, you are still setting and example. We need to make sure that we follow the example of Jesus so that we live our lives like him. We don't want to misguide anyone to live like something other than The Lord, so we need to study and obey The Lord.

Then there is this whole passage about authority and hair. He says that men have the greater authority and women shouldn't cut their hair. I think what this is really getting at is that there needs to be a level of respect for men, so that they are encouraged to lead and do the right thing. So many men in our country aren't being the father-figure they need to be, and it is perhaps because they were never raised with any respect. Women not cutting their hair was probably a cultural thing, respect thing, worship thing. The women might have been trying to become the center of attention rather than allowing God to be their focus. Perhaps it was a pagan sign of worship for a woman to chop off all her hair. Whatever the case was, I'm pretty sure God is not going to restrict you and me from going to heaven because we got our bangs trimmed. God is concerned about our hearts; if we don't recognize that by now in scripture, we need to start over! The hair thing must have been some outward manifestation of an inward sin.

Elisha helps a poor widow and the very next story is that he helps a rich woman. To me, this just shows that God cares about everyone, not matter how much or how little they have. For the widow, God provided for her needs and then some. For the rich woman, he gave her a son, took him away, and then gave him life again. God tested both of their faiths. How is one expected to fill tons of empty jars with oil from a small bottle? How is this woman supposed to trust God when he gives a son and then shortly after takes his life? God always provides for our needs, we just have to have enough faith to obey his directions.

Amidst the warning of destruction in Amos, the message ends with hope and rebuilding. God won't be angry forever. He doesn't want his children to suffer for eternity. He wants them to live right and love him so that he can give them wonderful blessings.

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