Then you've got this kind of power:
And you've got my favorite kind of power:
But what if you never got the car out of the garage? What if you never plugged that computer into the wall? What if that horse never did anything more than stand it its stall? There's power available, but we aren't using it as it should be.
I've often felt like I'm missing something spiritually. Like God's real, and there, and definitely at work, but for some reason I'm always turned the other way or distracted and I miss the "show" of His miracles. They happen in other people's lives, but just not mine. Why can't I see all of these divine interventions? Why doesn't God do supernatural things in my life? Well...perhaps it has nothing to do with God leaving me out, but that I haven't plugged in. I haven't stepped on the gas pedal. I haven't taken that horse out of the barn.
2 Timothy 1:7 says that we are given a "spirit of power." A "mighty strength" (Ephesians 1:19) is in us who believe, the same that raised Jesus from the dead. The moment we believe in Jesus as Lord, the Holy Spirit resides in us. His power is "working" (Ephesians 3:7) through us. Whoa. It's there. But just not used. And I'll admit, sometimes I don't think to ask Him to power my life.
Priscilla says it this way: "Endowed by God with an enormous amount of power, yet tinkering along at a spiritual snails pace, taking up a lane but not really letting Him take us anywhere. Trading adventure for what feels to us (deceptively) like complete control. As a result, not only do we miss out on feeling the wind of destiny and abundance in our own hair, we also potentially clog up the pipeline of blessing for others coming up behind us. We forfeit opportunities to show our children and those we disciple what happens when His foot is on the accelerator of our lives."
"What a travesty it would be to let it--to let Him--just sit there. Untapped and unused. Barely if ever igniting His power, afraid to punch it, to see what it can do. Have we decided our faith is better off just playing it safe on the spiritual back roads, in the slow lane hardly letting it drive us anywhere other than to church on Sunday."
So perhaps it isn't that I've "missed" God's power, I just haven't channeled it. I haven't invited it to be a part of my life. I haven't activated the switch. I'm not expecting it in my little world. Perhaps if I didn't get so caught up in the chaos of life, if I kept my eyes turned to Jesus, I would recognize opportunities to be obedient and unlock that power. So I'm going to expect God to show up, every day, his power at work in my heart and on this road of life.
Thanks, Priscilla, for handing me the power cord, for reminding me turn to Him in my moments of struggle and of praise. This book is beautiful!
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