Philippians 3; Ezekiel 23; Isaiah 51
What an awesome, powerful, encouraging chapter in Philippians. To live and believe with the kind of faith and perspective that Paul has, that would be awesome. He says, "But Christ has shown me that what I once thought was valuable is worthless. Nothing is as wonderful as knowing Christ Jesus my Lord...All I want is Christ and to know that I belong to him." All I want is Christ. Everything else is worthless. That's tough. I really want a horse to ride. And I really want to remodel our house. And I really want to have a gigantic garden. And I really want a full night's sleep. But when I (as Paul has done), compare those things with Christ himself and what he offers--"the prize of being called to heaven"--all of it is worthless. Wow. I pray that God would work in my heart and life and mind and help me to live and think like that. I pray that same for all believers.Ezekiel, not an uplifting book right now. It talks about the prostitution and punishment of God's nations. Being compared to prostitution, I feel like seeking to end such horrors, including sex trafficking, is kind of a holy cause. It sort of represents the unfaithfulness of the world. God compares his people to prostitutes and explains how such horrible acts make him so angry, so why wouldn't actual, individual prostitution do the same? It just makes me feel more passionate about finding ways and being a part of groups that want to free these women and children from the sex industry.
Check this out: "My teaching will cause justice to shine like a light for every nation." This is the truth of God's word! If people, if nations, followed the will of God, truly obeyed his teachings, and the example of Christ, we would not have to wonder what is right or wrong, and would see people fighting for justice everywhere. That would be awesome. Later in the chapter it says, "Don't be discouraged when others insult you and say hurtful things." I do not need to be upset when I am persecuted, judged, or laughed at for my faith. The God I serve and worship is with me and all that matters is Christ.
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