1 Timothy 2; Isaiah 34-35; Psalm 119:65-96
In this chapter in Timothy there are three powerful topics. First, how to pray and who to pray for. He encourages us to pray for "everyone." This means that we need to lift up others, not just ourselves, including people we don't necessarily like very much. My prayers for a while were always "God help me" or "I need this, God." It was selfish. Paul reminds Timothy and us that we need to pray for others.The second thing he talks about is the TRUTH. What is the Truth (with a capital T)? That: "There is only one God, and Christ Jesus is the only one who can bring us to God. Jesus was truly human and he gave himself to rescue all of us." There's obviously a lot more doctrine people can argue about, but the essence of this verse is that there is one God and one way to heaven. Period.
Finally, this chapter talks about women. Lots of ladies get ticked off by these verses, I'm guessing, because it says we should be silent and not tell men what to do. In some ways, I very much agree with the things in this passage. First, Eve was the one that was mislead; she overstepped her bounds in the relationship and sinned. (Adam didn't do a good job of stepping up and being a leader, so I'm not saying he's perfect either.) Then it talks about women not wearing scandalous clothing or expensive stuff. Why? Because our money shouldn't be spent on worthless material things--it should be spent on furthering God's kingdom or be given to those in need (orphans and widows and the like). But what about the silent part and not being allowed to teach? I think part of this was cultural. At that time, women had very few rights. Paul might have simply been making sure that Christians wouldn't cause an unnecessary ruckus. However, I also think that women can be strong, but still be submissive, supportive, and encouraging. Our husbands should be our leaders, not that we follow stupidly or blindly, but because that is the role God created for them. We are a team, of course, that's why God made both Adam and Eve, but women should encourage men to be bold, loving, honest leaders in our homes and churches. I think one of the biggest epidemics in America is the absent father. Emotionally or physically, dads are gone. It's like that movie Courageous, men need to step up and be men, and if we women are doing the job of men, then what are men going to do? Check out, wimp out, peace out, just like Adam. Women, let's not dominate, but support and encourage.
There is a heading in Isaiah 35 that says "God Changes Everything." And the description that follows is indeed inspiring. The blind see, deaf hear, lame walk, mute speak, desert turns to lakes, and there will be only happiness and celebration. Wow, that's pretty amazing. This should give us hope, that no matter what our circumstances are like now, God will change everything and we do not need to fear.
How valuable is the word of God? The psalmist "would rather obey you than to have a thousand pieces of silver and gold." What's the point of obeying God's teachings? The psalmist writes, "If I had not found happiness in obeying your Law, I would have died in misery. I won't every forget your teachings, because you give me new life by following them." Happiness, life, more precious than gold. In my life, I have found that to be true. God's word is not a burden like sometimes human rules and laws are. Even the laws in Leviticus that go on and on are meant to bring health and life and goodness to a person. They are meant to save and protect us from unnecessary pain. God's word brings life and I pray that people are realizing that to read it is to open up the door to God's goodness and joy.
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