John 14:1-14; 2 Chronicles 20:1-21:1; Psalm 78:56-72
In this passage of John, Jesus tells his disciples that he is the way to the Father, the representation of God, he is one with the God Almighty. If there was any doubt before as to how to reconcile a relationship with God the Father, how to connect with the God of the Universe, how to know what The Lord wants, it's to know, understand, and follow Jesus. One verse that really stands out is when Jesus says, "I tell you for certain that if you have faith in me, you will do the same things that I am doing." Whoa. We should not read those words lightly. Jesus says that without a doubt, with certainty, he can tell us that those who are his followers, his real disciples, will do what Jesus does. I spend a lot of time doing things that Jesus never did: complaining, gossiping, worrying, judging. Instead, I need to fill up with Jesus so that I do the things that he did: loving, forgiving, healing, helping, serving.Jehosaphat was a pretty good leader. He still left some shrines in tact and God was mad at him for that; he also made an agreement with the evil king of Israel and God didn't like that either. However, this story in Chronicles is a powerful example of how, if we rely on The Lord completely, even in our darkest hour of desperation, God will come through for us. Jehosaphat's kingdom was being invaded by a terrible army and it says he was afraid. It's ok to be scared sometimes. But instead of fretting, freaking out, falling into despair, Jehosaphat sought the Lord's wisdom and power and he got the entire kingdom involved. He admits "we won't stand a chance when this army attacks. We don't know what to do--we are begging for your help." It's ok to feel helpless, because in our weakness, God can be strong. And God is. The Lord responds by saying "you won't even have to fight. Just take your positions and watch The Lord rescue you from your enemy. Don't be afraid. Just do as you're told. And as you march out tomorrow, The Lord will be there with you." Wow! The only thing God was asking for was obedience. He wasn't asking them to have amazing skills, to be perfect, to build something, or carry out a complicated tactic. Just be obedient by getting into position. Basically, show up. And what did God do? He fought for them. They didn't lift a finger, and thank God that they were able to recognize who won the battle. See, when we are so afraid and realize that we don't have what is necessary to defeat the enemies of our souls and lives, that opens the door for God to do everything, to work a miracle. He came through for Jehosaphat, an imperfect king; he will come through for us, too.
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