Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day 220: A Little Bit In His Hands

John 6:1-24; 1 Chronicles 22:2-23:1; Zechariah 9

I've written about this miracle before, and I love this story. Jesus knew what would happen in order to feed the 5000 people. Yet he asked to see what kind of faith his disciples had. The food wasn't multiplied because the disciples started a team, or created a church program, or organized a fundraiser. They simply placed the little bit they had to offer into Jesus' hands and he blessed it. Sometimes we may feel like we have so little to offer this world with such big problems. Rather than doubt and complain or try to set up programs that we try to run, we need to just place things in the powerful hands of Jesus and watch him do his work.

Jesus then leaves. Why? Because he realized that these people would want to crown him king for his power and miracles. Jesus' purpose was not to be a king with riches on earth. The people wanted something they could see, but Jesus needed them to believe in something they couldn't see. Jesus' kingdom is in heaven and in our hearts until he returns again, to set up his kingdom on earth.

This story in Chronicles of David passing on the job of building the temple is so cool and such a great example for leaders to follow if they need to delegate or pass on their responsibilities to a successor. David appears very at peace about the fact that he doesn't get to build it. But instead of being angry or selfish, and just leaving nothing to his son, making it difficult for him to figure out, David gets everything ready and instructs Solomon. He collects the materials and workers and gives Solomon wonderful instruction and wisdom on living right and following The Lord. It's just a powerful image of kindness and care for leaders with followers as well as parents with children. We should raise our children in this same way, setting them up for success in building the kingdom of God.

Zechariah is giving a message from The Lord about end times. First he says that those who have stored up wealth will be stripped of it and will live in poverty. Good reminder that earthly riches don't last. Then he talks about how the Philistines, the enemies of God' people will become a part of the tribe of Judah, God's people. What will happen is life change. People who once rejected God will accept him and become a part of the family. I'm sure there would be some people who would be mad if their enemies were now their brothers and sisters and had to treat them as such. But really that is reason to rejoice; more people have come to be saved by God. Then it talks about Jesus coming and riding on a donkey--awesome. And finally, God talks about how he will rescue people from pits, protect them, and they will shine like jewels. But if Jesus will come to bring peace, rescue his people from pits, then there would have to be turmoil and darkness to rescue us from. In the end times, it is going to be rough to be a follower of Jesus. Our faith will truly be tested. May we seek God will all our hearts so that if that time comes in our lifetime, we are prepared to stand strong in The Lord.

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