Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 142: The Whole Cow

Romans 12; 1 Samuel 23-24; Psalm 67

Many people have heard Romans 12:1, that we should offer ourselves as living sacrifices.  There are some aspects of this that are important to remember.  First of all, a sacrifice doesn't just include half of something. The cow didn't get to give just his leg, unfortunately. He had to give up his life.  It is also important to understand that the sacrifice was to be the first born and the best.  What this means is that is we are going to offer our lives as living sacrifices to God, then we must surrender everything, we need to do it first and not wait for something else, and we need to give God our best.  He is good and he wants to bless you.  Doing this opens the door for blessings.

It talks about the spiritual gifts and for each says, "If we can." It doesn't say "you should" or "everyone has to."  I think that is one thing that a church needs to realize, that not everyone is cut out for every job in the church body.  On the flip side of that, there are a lot of people out there who have spiritual gifts, who can serve, can give, can lead, but don't out of fear or laziness or selfishness.

Ok, so Romans has a lot in it this morning.  I have to write this verse because I love it and it is so simple, yet powerful:
"Be sincere in your love for others.  Hate everything that is evil and hold tight to everything is good."

Ok, I was going to stop there, but the rest is awsome too:
 "Love each other as brother and sisters and honor others more than you do yourself.  Never give up.  Eagerly follow the Holy Spirit and serve The Lord.  Let your hope make you glad.  Be patient in time of trouble and never stop praying.  Take care of God's needy people and welcome strangers into your home."

The first thing that stands out is that we are to love each other as brothers and sisters, not as bosses and employees, or masters and slaves. Brothers and sisters are equals, on the same level. We should not consider ourselves higher than another. The other thing that stands out this morning is the word "Eagerly." We are to willingly, gladly, excitedly, follow and serve God.  How do we do that?  Well, knowing what God is all about, and not just thinking it is a "religion" definitely helps.  And, I think having an eternal perspective, that people are eternal souls that will spend all of time somewhere, also helps.  Several of these verses talk about how to treat enemies, and I think forgiveness, respect, peace, those are things we should do or pursue eagerly in this life.

When David is running for his life, he continuously asks God for guidance.  He does, in a small way doubt it, because in this chapter (23) he has to ask twice.  David's followers sort of challenge God's answer, rather than support it.  As believers we need to make sure that if a friend or family member hears direction from God, we should support it.  But, when David has to ask again, God doesn't get mad, he just gives David the answer he needs.

In a sense, David compromised.  By cutting off a piece of Saul's robe, it was like he was manipulating the situation, and he felt bad for doing it.  What?  He didn't seem do anything wrong!  He certainly didn't harm the king!  But, he was pushing the limits because of what his followers said, and he knew that God didn't want him to harm Saul. This little compromise was felt in David's heart and we need to believe the same.  Little compromises in our own life are how big sins get in.  We need to recognize compromise when we see it and then quit.

David and his men return to their hideout.  Wait, I thought he and Saul just made up and he could go back and live in the luxury of the kingdom?  David wasn't stupid.  He knew Saul, and knew that he had a temper issue, and to live near the king was to test that and place himself in danger again.  If someone hurts us, we need to forgive, but that doesn't mean we have to trust them.  Trust is something that a person has to earn, and a few words should not gain our trust back.

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