Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 36: Obedience, Not Perfection

Hebrews 3:1-4:13; Genesis 48; Psalm 38 

Three times in these few verses, stubbornness has been mentioned and is a bad thing.  I’m a stubborn person, but when it comes to sin, to obeying the Lord's call, being stubborn is wrong.  We need to be humble and willing to examine our hearts and lives, remove sins and obey God's word.

One common misconception with faith in Jesus or about Christians is that we can or should be perfect.  No one is immune from the power of sin. Just like the people who saw God’s miracles and were rescued from Egypt miraculously and then turned away to idols, we are all capable of losing faith or of disobeying.  I hope that through honesty, daily Bible reading, and prayer we are being diligent about our sins and our faith life.  Not perfect, but obedient.  We need God's word to be a double edged sword that cuts deep into our souls to reveal what is there.  Even though we are prone to sin, I know that I want to be improving in my walk with Jesus and ridding myself of my sin.  May God's word work in your life too, the way that he intends it to.

God does things in unexpected ways.  Jacob blessed the younger son of Joseph more than his older son.  Joseph was upset, probably with good reason, but we have to trust in the Lord's plan.  He knows the future, he knows what is best for us, and he knows how to make good things come to pass.  The Old Testament shows us over and over God's amazing redemptive, saving power and how he works out all things for the good of his children.  Thousands of years worth of stories should encourage us that even when we sin, God isn't going to leave us or give up on us.

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